søndag den 24. april 2011

Balloons over Copenhagen

Tonight at seven o'clock a beautiful sight caught my eyes as I was leaving a park in the city to walk home. The sky was filled with big balloons in the air and with their bright colours against the blue sky it was quite an amazing thing to look at. I quickly went home and grabbed my camera to hurry back out for some pictures. In the mean time though, they had gotten further apart and higher into the air and distance, but I got a few good snapshots. Here is one two of them.

torsdag den 21. april 2011

What I want for Easter : Esther Hörchner Tea Set

If I had unlimited spending this tea set by dutch Esther Hörchner would be my first choice to buy. However, since I already have too many cups and glasses for my tiny kitchen in my tiny apartment, this will have to wait. Until then enjoy the pictures of this great design. 

See more great work by Esther Hörchner on http://www.estherhorchner.nl/